Apartment, check. Sunlight, occasional. Time spent watering plants...slim to none. It’s hard keeping plants alive, we get it...hence why we started a
fake plant business before it was all the rage. Thankfully, things have changed since the dawn of artificial plants and even the highest browed horticulturist can’t spot these green leafed magicians...which means, either can your friends.
We love all plants - fake, preserved, dried, even the real deal (looking at you succulents). We are also a team of normal humans, which means we’ve killed a plant or two...dozen, at some point. So, we’ve dropped the plant killer label, #noshame, and scoured the world for the best quality
fake plants. Along the way, we learned a few things.
Low-light, no worries.
Fake plants thrive anywhere, no matter the lighting - but if you’re looking for that faux-real vibe place your favorites somewhere near a natural light source (it’s more believable than the weird, waxy, palm in your grandma’s basement).
Afloral Creative Director, LeAnne Samuelson says, “I put them wherever makes me happy! That’s the point of plants, who cares, it’s your home.”
So you’re expecting...and you have a dog.
Once you have one, you’ll understand. Till then trust us that children, like animals, want to eat and play with everything - including your house plants.
Large fake plants (
pothos, and cordyline palm are a few of our favorites) topped with fake soil make a great statement piece and create a dynamic look for even the smallest spaces. Hunt for leaves with dimension, texture, and an imperfect look...if it seems too good to be true, it is.
Are those from the farmer’s market? Totally.
We aren’t telling you to downright lie, but if no one asks...our job is done. Branches, sprigs, leaves, and seasonals such as the cherry blossom are almost as short-lived as fresh cut flowers and with growing seasons all over the calendar, finding the perfect live version can get expensive. We recommend pairing a few real stems with faux accents for variety. “With eucalyptus, I cut the stems apart and toss them in my favorite tall vase. I love the wild, uncut look,” says Samuelson.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
Everyone hates dusting, us included, but nothing says “fake plant” quite like a fresh layer of dirt. Because leaves are basically plant lungs, we recommend keeping both your fake and live plants squeaky clean. A simple solution - bath time. Give your artificial plants a quick dip in the sink or tub, wipe the leaves down, and air dry. Remember, live plants are a bit needier. Water only when recommended and refrain from the dunk method unless instructed (some air plants love bath time).
The Real Deal
If the living, breathing, chlorophyll packing type is what you’re after - start simple. We love real plants and all their air purifying characteristics. We also know we’re busy, occasionally forgetful, or just love them too much aka drown them with affection/water (just me?) Try plants that speak to you. “I have pothos and snake plants - easier to take care of and always tell me when they need love. They look at me, they look sad, they kind of take care of themselves,” says Samuelson.
Whether you’re a fully functioning plant parent or have a plant cemetery as big as the outdoor space we all long for...it’s okay! Start small. Nurture the living and celebrate the fake. We’re all in this Instagram world together, but DM us if you have questions...seriously, we're just sitting around talking about plants.
Photographer: @ruffledblog // Photographer: @undecorated_home // Photographer: @my_forever_farmhouse // Photographer: @madisonfichtl // Photographer: @brittsimerson